BullPhish ID user roles

This article identifies the BullPhish ID user roles that can be assigned to employees of MSP and SMB organizations. In addition, the user permissions granted for each role are described.

MSP user roles

Role Permissions
Partner Administrator A Partner Administrator oversees content at the partner organization level and can execute the following tasks within BullPhish ID:
  • Create, manage all SMB organizations.
  • Create, edit, delete partner users with Partner Administrator or Partner Agent roles.
  • Create, edit, delete SMB users with Privileged User or Standard User roles.
  • Manage phishing simulation campaigns for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View all campaigns.
    • View global and custom phishing kits.
    • Create, edit, delete custom phishing kits.
  • Manage training campaigns for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View all campaigns.
    • View global and custom training courses.
    • Create custom training course content.
    • Manage training portal configurations.
  • Manage Targets & Groups for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, edit, delete groups.
    • Create, edit, delete SMB directory syncs.
    • Add, edit, activate, deactivate, delete targets.
  • Export, automate reports.
  • View global and custom email templates.
  • Create custom email templates.
  • View global and custom sending profiles and sending domains.
  • Create custom sending profiles and sending domains.
  • Create and manage integrations.
  • Enable KaseyaOne single sign-on.
Partner Agent A Partner Agent holds no authority over partner-level configurations but possesses full access to SMB organizations. Here are the actions they can perform in BullPhish ID:
  • Manage all SMB organizations.
  • Create, edit, delete SMB users with Privileged User or Standard User roles.
  • Manage phishing simulation campaigns for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View all campaigns.
    • View global and custom phishing kits.
    • Create, edit, delete custom phishing kits.
  • Manage training campaigns for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View all campaigns.
    • View global and custom training courses.
    • Create custom training course content.
    • Manage training portal configurations.
  • Manage Targets & Groups for all SMB organizations:
    • Create, edit, delete groups.
    • View SMB directory syncs.
    • Add, edit, activate, deactivate, delete targets.
  • Export, automate reports.
  • View global and custom email templates.
  • Create custom email templates.
  • View global and custom sending profiles and sending domains.
  • Create custom sending profiles and sending domains.

SMB user roles

Role Permissions
Privileged User An SMB Privileged User has administrative access limited to their own SMB organization and can perform the following actions within BullPhish ID for their respective SMB organization only:
  • Create Privileged Users and Standard Users.
  • Manage phishing simulation campaigns:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View campaigns.
    • View global and custom phishing kits.
    • Create custom phishing kits.
  • Manage training campaigns:
    • Create, recreate, edit, cancel, delete campaigns.
    • View campaigns.
    • View global and custom training courses.
    • Create custom training course content.
    • Manage training portal configurations.
  • Manage Targets & Groups:
    • Create, edit, delete groups.
    • Create, edit, delete SMB directory sync.
    • Add, edit, activate, deactivate, delete targets.
  • Export, automate reports.
  • View global and custom email templates.
  • Create custom email templates.
  • View global and custom sending profiles and sending domains.
  • Create custom sending profiles and sending domains.
Standard User An SMB Standard User has read-only permissions exclusively for their own SMB organization. Within BullPhish ID, they can perform the following actions solely for their respective SMB organization:
  • View own SMB's phishing campaigns.
  • View global and custom phishing kits.
  • View own SMB's training campaigns.
  • View global and custom training courses.
  • View groups and targets.
  • Export reports.
  • View global and custom email templates.
  • View global and custom sending profiles list.


Revision Date
Initial release. 8/14/23